Karoline Amaury    Like a ray of light, photographer Karoline Amaury points her camera and captures the spirit of ancient Thebes through her illuminating lens. Images and landscapes at once familiar — of temples and statues, mountains and excavations — are seen in their pure form, brilliantly glowing white from the sun, and contrasted majestically in a deep blackness that feels as vast as the afterlife. Her photographs are spiritual; there’s no denying their sacred quality. They are the result of a craftsman’s loving gaze and patient waiting: for the sun to pass through shadows, for the air to still, for the dawn or the dusk to linger a little longer in devote meditation, and then the camera opens and closes its optical eye with a resonating click. This is the religion of a true photographer. Karoline invokes us to stay with her in a moment as timeless as this ancient land itself. Through the silence, the light whispers secrets to her — how remarkable for her to share this message to us all, to remind us that we are all brothers and sisters on an earth guided through life by our sun and moon, promising us eternal truths if we only pay attention. Luxor Art Gallery is honored to share the work of this passionate artist, who so much wants to share with us her enduring awe.—D.N.

“My study as an artist and philosopher on the signification of light in sacred architecture and in sacred natural places, my profound interest in the spiritual teaching of Book Of Coming Out By Day and my passion for analog photography, brought me in Luxor 17 years ago in order to immerse myself in the very heart of the land of the Pharaohs. Since 2018, in collaboration with the Archaeologist Dr Zahi Hawass former Egyptian Minister of Antiquities and Director of excavations at Giza, Saqqara, Bahariya Oasis, and the Valley of the Kings in Luxor. I portray the journey of the excavation teams on the sites: Valley of the Monkeys in the valley of the Kings and the Lost Golden City of Amonhotep III in the place of Truth.

“Photography means the writing of light and here are the words of light that I use to dialogue with this invisible. Working in intimacy with the essence of nature allows revealing its spiritual dimension.”

—Karoline Amaury


Now Exhibiting at


Awakening Osiris

December 2023-Januayr 2024