

Photograph of the artist by Eddie Deleon

Shayma Aziz     With bold colors and subject matter, artist Shayma Aziz’s nude figures are lovely visions—both innocently sweet and playfully sensual. A woman’s emotions and moods are akin to an animal’s nature, “like an owl,” “like a fish,” “like a scorpion,” painted with a bright palette and with the symbols of her ancient Egyptian heritage. Shayma’s women do not shy away nor are they ashamed; they are liberated by their own skin and feelings. These reflections are as intimate as a daydreaming woman gazing into her mirror, or poems in her diary. Currently based in New York City, Shayma’s roots are in Egypt, and her artistic evolution tied to Luxor where she was a graduate of the Faculty of Fine Art, South Valley University. Other work by Shayma combines traditional fine arts technicality with new media practices, focussing particularly on painting, sculpture, interdisciplinary projects and animation. —D.N.